Our latest blog posts

Interview With Amir Levintal – Cylus
Interview With Amir Levintal – Cylus
Sitting down with Amir Levintal, CEO and co-founder of Cylus, was the highlight of Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks' day. She found out how CylusOne keeps trains working smoothly. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecur...
Interview With Ziv Cohen – Paygilant
Interview With Ziv Cohen – Paygilant
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had the chance to ask Ziv Cohen, Paygilant's CEO, how his company goes about stopping the bad guys from stealing our data. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity and what do you lov...
Interview With Vladimir Katalov – ElcomSoft
Interview With Vladimir Katalov – ElcomSoft
What a very interesting interview Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had with Vladimir Katalov, ElcomSoft's CEO. Read all about his company's vision, but don't ask about their products. Safety Detective: What was your journey to c...
Interview With Ilan Missulawin – ClickCease
Interview With Ilan Missulawin – ClickCease
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had the opportunity to sit down with ClickCease's co-founder and CMO, Ilan Missulawin, and asked him what cyberthreats should concern us today. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurit...
Interview With Roi Mit – Regulus
Interview With Roi Mit – Regulus
Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks caught up with Roi Mit, CMO of Regulus, and found out how his company is protecting drivers from dangerous GPS spoofing. Safety Detective: How was the idea for Regulus born? Roi Mit: It was dur...
Interview With David Feldman – Cybonet
Interview With David Feldman – Cybonet
Aviva Zacks had the chance to interview David Feldman, CEO of Cybonet, and to pick his brain about how his company is changing the cyber landscape for the better. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity and what do...
Interview With Samir Mody – K7 Computing
Interview With Samir Mody – K7 Computing
Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks got the unique chance to sit down with Samir Mody, VP of Threat Research at K7Computing, and asked him what the worst cyberthreat is today. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity and...
Interview With Isaac Kohen – Teramind
Interview With Isaac Kohen – Teramind
Aviva Zacks sat down with Isaac Kohen, TeramindVP of R&D, and found out his company is doing to help us protect ourselves from today's cyberthreats. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity, and what do you love...
Interview With Jeffrey Starr – AlgoSec
Interview With Jeffrey Starr – AlgoSec
Jeffrey Starr, CMO of AlgoSec, sat down with us and explained how his company is helping companies simplify and automate their security management. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity and what do you love about...
Interview With Aaron Cockerill – Lookout
Interview With Aaron Cockerill – Lookout
Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks had the opportunity to interview Aaron Cockerill, Chief Strategy Officer of Lookout, and jumped at the chance. She asked him how his company is helping people protect their mobile phones. Safety D...