Our latest blog posts

Interview With Patrick De Schutter – Mailfence
Interview With Patrick De Schutter – Mailfence
Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks sat down with the founder of Mailfence, Patrick De Schutter, and found out how his company stays ahead of the curve. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity? Patrick De Schutter: I...
Interview With Heather Engel – Sera-Brynn
Interview With Heather Engel – Sera-Brynn
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective interviewed Heather Engel, Sera-Brynn's chief strategy officer, to find out how her company helps others minimize cybersecurity risks. Safety Detective:  What drew you to the cybersecurity indust...
Interview With Lior Tabansky – Tel Aviv University
Interview With Lior Tabansky – Tel Aviv University
When Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had the opportunity to interview ​Dr. Lior Tabansky, head of research development, ​​Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University, she found out that solutions will no...
Interview With Matthias Pfau – Tutanota
Interview With Matthias Pfau – Tutanota
When Matthias Pfau, founder and developer of Tutanota, agreed to an interview with Safety Detective, we jumped at the opportunity. He discusses the need for an open-source email service which offers end-to-end encryption. Safety...
Interview With Peer Heinlein – Mailbox.org
Interview With Peer Heinlein – Mailbox.org
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had the opportunity to talk with Peer Heinlein, CEO and founder of Mailbox.org. She found out how his company is protecting the end user from cyberthreats and why surveillance is so dangerous. Sa...
Interview With Andy Yen – ProtonMail
Interview With Andy Yen – ProtonMail
Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks sat down with Andy Yen, CEO and co-founder of ProtonMail, to ask him how his company protects end-users' information.  Safety Detective: How did you...
Interview With Yossi Shenhav – Komodo
Interview With Yossi Shenhav – Komodo
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective had the pleasure of sitting down with Yossi Shenhav, Komodo's CEO. She found out how he uses his hacking abilities for good and how he's watching out for all the "script kiddies" out there. Safet...
Interview With Yossi Atias – Dojo by BullGuard
Interview With Yossi Atias – Dojo by BullGuard
After interviewing Yossi Atias, co-founder and CEO of Dojo, Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks decided she had to own a Dojo by BullGuard. This product is the next best thing in home security, and here's why you need one. Safety De...
Interview With Andre Boysen – SecureKey
Interview With Andre Boysen – SecureKey
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective was privileged to interview Andre Boysen, Chief Identity Officer of SecureKey. She learned that Canadians enjoy banking safely, now that SecureKey is on the scene. Safety Detective: Can you tell...
Interview With Ishay Tentser – Initech
Interview With Ishay Tentser – Initech
When Ishay Tentser, Co-Founder and CEO of Initech, agreed to an interview, Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks jumped at the opportunity. She found out what Initech is doing to get the elderly connected safely. Safety Detective: Whe...