Our latest blog posts

Interview With JetRails – Denis Zlatov
Interview With JetRails – Denis Zlatov
With thanks to Denis Zlatov, Co-Founder of JetRails, Aviva Zacks of Safety Detectives had the opportunity to learn all about his company. She asked him about JetRails' managed hosting services and how they stay ahead of their comp...
Interview With Nathan Collins – PAV
Interview With Nathan Collins – PAV
Aviva Zacks of Safety detective asked Nathan Collins, Sales and Marketing Director of PAV, how his company stays ahead of the competition. Safety Detective: How did you get into cybersecurity and what do you love about it? N...
Interview With Joe Stornelli – JS Technology Group
Interview With Joe Stornelli – JS Technology Group
What a wonderful opportunity Aviva Zacks of Safety Detectives had to interview Joe Stornelli, Principal and Founder of JS Tech. She asked him about his company's "everything is a service" policy. Safety Detectives: What got you...
Interview With Avi Vaserman – Sytex
Interview With Avi Vaserman – Sytex
Avi Vaserman, Owner of Sytex, sat for an interview with Safety Detective's Aviva Zacks and told her how much a threat humans are. Safety Detective: What has your cybersecurity journey been and what motivated you to start Sytex?...
Interview With Ihor Feoktistov – Relevant Software
Interview With Ihor Feoktistov – Relevant Software
With much thanks to Ihor Feoktistov, CTO and Co-Founder at Relevant Software, Aviva Zacks had the opportunity to find out all about his company's services. Safety Detective: What motivated you to start Relevant Software? Iho...
Interview With Eric Lu – Lionic
Interview With Eric Lu – Lionic
Eric Lu, Chairman and CEO of Lionic, took the time to sit for an interview with Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective. She asked him about Pico-UTM and how his company sees the future of cybersecurity. Safety Detective: What was your...
Interview With Kaarel Kotkas – Veriff
Interview With Kaarel Kotkas – Veriff
Kaarel Kotkas, CEO of Veriff, met with Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective for an interview about his cybersecurity journey and how it got started with some blue twine.Safety Detective: What got you interested in cybersecurity and wha...
Interview With Mohit Tiwari – Symmetry Systems
Interview With Mohit Tiwari – Symmetry Systems
When Mohit Tiwari, CEO and Co-Founder of Symmetry Systems, agreed to sit down with Safety Detectives' Aviva Zacks, she got ready for an exciting interview. She asked him all about his company's DataGuard and how it helps security...
Interview With Akam Omer – Standing Tech
Interview With Akam Omer – Standing Tech
It was a true pleasure for Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective to sit down with Akam Omer, Standing Tech's Technical Advisor. She had the chance to ask him about the cybersecurity challenges specific to the Kurdistan region of Iraq...
Interview With Akram Khan – Cyber Security Hive
Interview With Akram Khan – Cyber Security Hive
Aviva Zacks of Safety Detectives met with Akram Khan, Co-Founder and CEO of Cyber Security Hive, and found out how his company provides affordable security services globally. Safety Detectives: What motivated you to start Cyber...