Interview With Pádraig O'Leary - Co-Founder & CEO of TrustWorks

Updated on: August 2, 2024
Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks
Updated on: August 2, 2024

SafetyDetectives recently interviewed Pádraig O’Leary, Co-Founder and CEO of TrustWorks. With a PhD in Computer Science and a strong background in both academia and industry, Pádraig has a wealth of experience in privacy management and data security. His entrepreneurial spirit and firsthand knowledge of the challenges businesses face in aligning privacy efforts led him to establish TrustWorks. The platform aims to transform privacy management by making it more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly for businesses. Through innovative solutions and proactive support, TrustWorks is helping companies like Alter Domus, Westinghouse, and Luno enhance their privacy programs and ensure compliance.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led you to found TrustWorks?

My journey towards founding TrustWorks has been driven by a passion for technology and a commitment to solving complex problems in the privacy management space.

I have a PhD in Computer Science and was Assistant Professor for Software Engineering at the University of Adelaide. I was the founding CEO of EmotionReader, an AI platform, that was acquired in 2018. I was also Head of Data at the center for Applied Research in Connected Health (ARCH) based in University College Dublin and Research Fellow at Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre.

These experiences exposed me firsthand to the challenges that companies face in aligning privacy and legal professionals with other stakeholders, especially in fast-paced, dynamic scale-ups and enterprises.

I recognized that legacy privacy management solutions often fell short in terms of user experience and support. Businesses were struggling with complex setups and inadequate support, which hindered their ability to efficiently operationalize their privacy programs. This gap in the market inspired me to create TrustWorks.

The vision for TrustWorks is to transform privacy management from a burdensome task into a streamlined, integrated part of every business operation. Our goal is to make privacy management accessible, efficient, and effective by leveraging smart automation, user-friendly workflows, tailored communications, and proactive support.

The positive feedback and success stories from industry leaders like Alter Domus, Westinghouse, Luno, Fenergo, and Flywire validate our approach and motivate us to continue improving our platform.

How does TrustWorks streamline privacy program management and make it more efficient for businesses?

TrustWorks streamline privacy program management by integrating smart automation, user-friendly workflows, tailored communications, and proactive support into its platform. This comprehensive approach allows privacy teams to operationalize their privacy programs seamlessly without imposing extra burdens on other parts of the organization. By bringing all stakeholders on board and aligning their efforts, TrustWorks transforms privacy management into a smooth and efficient process.

What are the benefits of automating privacy management processes, and how can this impact a company’s resources and efficiency?

Automating privacy management processes offers several benefits, including increased accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in handling privacy operations. Automation reduces the risk of human error and ensures that repetitive tasks are handled swiftly, freeing up resources for more strategic activities. This can significantly enhance a company’s efficiency, allowing privacy teams to focus on higher-level functions while ensuring compliance and minimizing the burden on the rest of the organization.

Our innovative platform features, such as the Code Scanner, AI Assistant, and TrustWorks Engage, empower privacy teams to streamline their privacy programs and AI governance. Leading companies like Glovo, Frontify, and Fenergo have successfully built their privacy programs with TrustWorks, demonstrating the platform’s effectiveness and significant impact.

How can companies ensure they handle Data Subject Requests (DSRs) efficiently and in compliance with regulations?

Companies can handle Data Subject Requests (DSRs) efficiently and in compliance with regulations by implementing streamlined workflows and automated processes provided by TrustWorks. The platform’s user-friendly interface and tailored communications facilitate quick and accurate responses to DSRs. Additionally, proactive support and real-time data visibility enable privacy teams to monitor and manage requests effectively, ensuring timely compliance with regulatory requirements.

What role does real-time data visibility play in effective privacy management?

Real-time data visibility is crucial for effective privacy management as it allows privacy teams to monitor and respond to privacy-related issues promptly. With real-time insights, teams can identify potential compliance risks, track the status of privacy programs, and ensure that all processes are running smoothly. This proactive approach helps in maintaining continuous compliance, improving decision-making, and enhancing overall privacy governance.

What advice would you give to a company just starting to build its privacy management framework?

For a company just starting to build its privacy management framework, it is essential to focus on integrating all stakeholders into the privacy program. Leverage smart automation and user-friendly workflows to streamline processes and reduce manual efforts. Start by clearly defining your privacy objectives and regulatory requirements, and choose a comprehensive platform like TrustWorks that provides tailored communications and proactive support. Building a solid foundation with the right tools and aligning privacy efforts across the organization will ensure the long-term success of a privacy program.

About the Author
Shauli Zacks
Updated on: August 2, 2024

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools. When he's not researching and writing, Shauli enjoys spending time with his wife and five kids, playing basketball, and watching funny movies.

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