Interview With Evgeny Dyakov - Chief Technology Officer at Payture

Updated on: August 30, 2024
Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks
Updated on: August 30, 2024

In a recent interview with SafetyDetectives, Evgeny Dyakov, the Chief Technology Officer of Payture, shared valuable insights into the company’s approach to the evolving landscape of digital payments. As a key figure at Payture, Dyakov is at the forefront of developing innovative payment solutions that cater to businesses and consumers worldwide. During the conversation, he highlighted Payture’s commitment to providing seamless transaction processing, fraud prevention, and data security, emphasizing the company’s ability to swiftly adapt to technological changes and market demands. Dyakov’s expertise sheds light on the unique strengths that set Payture apart from its competitors, such as its flexibility and dedication to customer-centric solutions.

Payture’s mission is clear: to empower businesses by simplifying the complexities of online payment systems, thus enhancing their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Dyakov detailed how Payture’s robust platform not only supports diverse payment scenarios across various markets but also integrates advanced security measures to protect against fraud. With a forward-looking approach, Payture is constantly innovating to meet future market standards and client needs. The interview provides a glimpse into the future developments Payture has in store, including an updated customer portal and new automation tools for financial reporting, underscoring the company’s ongoing commitment to delivering top-notch services to its global clientele.

Can you introduce yourself and describe your role at Payture?

My name is Evgeny Dyakov, I hold the position of CTO at Payture.

What is the core mission of Payture, and how does it serve its customers?

Payture’s core mission is to connect businesses and consumers around the world through seamless transaction processing. This allows businesses to increase conversion rates with a powerful tool and provides consumers with a high level of service.

Partnering with Payture as a payment service provider allows businesses to take off the hassle of developing, integrating and maintaining online payment software solutions. There’s no need to maintain a large team of employees – we take care of all the complex tasks.

Unlike the market giants, Payture is a valuable partner for businesses because of its flexibility, independence, and ability to quickly adapt to changes in technology and regulation.

Our clients stay with us because of the flexibility of our service and the many useful features that come out of the box, such as the ability to fiscalization, cascade, route and split payments.

Also, we provide all clients with effective fraud protection through our in-house developed fraud monitoring system.

In case of failures on the part of the acquiring bank, we are the first to know about the malfunction and automatically reconfigure transaction channels – your service will always be available to consumers, and transactions will be protected.

Our clients have the flexibility to customize the display of their payment pages, have 24/7 access to our analytics dashboards and metrics, and are able to scale their business with us into new markets and regions of the world.

What are the biggest challenges Payture faces in the payment industry today?

In today’s world, new payment instruments and services are constantly emerging, which are important for users and move the industry forward. At the same time, each country has unique market characteristics and specific payment scenarios that require attention.

The biggest challenge for us is to react quickly to changes, to introduce new tools and to predict future trends (what will be important for the client in 5 years? Or what will be the market standard in 10?)

As an independent company, we have the advantage of being more flexible in these areas compared to large financial institutions.

Can you explain Payture’s approach to fraud detection and prevention?

Our primary goal is to collect as many relevant metrics and payer parameters as possible.

In addition to the usual browser or mobile device data, we collaborate with merchants to process internal service parameters that are not visible to users.

This allows us to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a transaction across various business sectors, without being limited to a standard set of parameters.

Of course, in addition to the internal service of fraud monitoring, we also fully support the 3DSecure 2.0 security standard, and we closely monitor its ongoing developments.

How does Payture ensure the security and privacy of its users’ data?

Our position is that handling user data is a process that should be not only safe, but also visible to the user.

Users must consent to the processing of their data when using the Payture payment form and have the option to remove it from our service if necessary.

On our side, as a payment provider, we use multi-level restrictions on access to users’ personal data, which are governed by both payment industry standards and internal policies and local legal requirements in each country.

Anyone attempting unauthorized access to our system would need to penetrate our secure network, where each infrastructure component is individually protected, and bypass data encryption resistant to hacking and brute force attacks.

What future developments or features can Payture’s customers look forward to?

In the near future, we plan to provide our users with an updated customer portal, leveraging our 14 years of experience in payment services.

In addition, in 2024 we will introduce a new service that streamlines and automates financial reporting.

About the Author
Shauli Zacks
Updated on: August 30, 2024

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools. When he's not researching and writing, Shauli enjoys spending time with his wife and five kids, playing basketball, and watching funny movies.

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