Interview with Egor Dubrovsky - CEO at Filmustage

Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks

SafetyDetectives spoke with the CEO of Filmustage, Egor Dubrovsky, about his journey in the film and production industry, challenges faced by filmmakers during pre-production, the role of AI in the film industry, and more.

Can you talk about your journey and what motivated you to co-found Filmustage?

I’m Egor, the co-founder and CEO of I had my own production studio, and the
journey of my project one day led me to Los Angeles. Once I visited San Francisco, it was an
exciting experience for me: while enjoying a night out at a jazz club, burglars broke into my car
and stole everything I had – including my passport and my filmmaking gear. I wasn’t very upset,
knowing that ahead of me were adventures that I would remember for a lifetime.

That occasion left me stranded in the US, a world away from home, without any money or
documents. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Amidst the chaos, I
found myself stuck in the US for a long time. It was during this unexpected delay that I had an
incredible opportunity to work together with productions that were shooting pilots for Netflix and

On set, I realized something startling. The method used for script breakdowns was still stuck in
the analog era. Pens, papers, and piles of scripts – it was a tedious process that ate up so
much valuable time. And that’s when it hit me: why not use technology to simplify this process?

This was the seed that later grew into Filmustage—an AI-based platform that automates script
breakdown, making the process faster, simpler, and more accurate. The adversity I faced in
America didn’t just lead to the birth of Filmustage; it rekindled my passion for filmmaking and
inspired me to create a product that could benefit the global filmmaking community. My goal
had always been to empower filmmakers everywhere to do Hollywood-quality work.

What makes Filmustage stand out from other pre-production tools and services in the film industry?

We started working on our neural network long before it became mainstream. For example, our
co-founder Ruslan has 5 years of experience in AI and neural networks and 11 years in
software development. Our team has very strong technical specialists, we work tirelessly to
develop and improve the product.

We operate within the Agile mindset, listen attentively to our users, and develop iterations
based on their feedback. Thanks to new technology, our platform significantly reduces the time
spent on pre-production and everything related to it. In this way, we have created an all-in-one

platform for filmmakers. Additionally, we offer the ability to export all results to other industry-
standard software like Movie Magic Scheduling and Final Draft.

From your perspective, what are some of the biggest challenges faced by filmmakers in the pre-production phase?

Filmmakers constantly need to analyze and process a vast amount of information. From all this
data, they must compile various pre-production documentation such as script breakdown
summaries, call sheets, and shooting schedules. They are also tasked with synchronizing the
work of hundreds of people and planning the logistics of film production. Communication within
the team is often fragmented, with team members frequently working with different tools and
programs. Our service allows all of this to be done in one place, as well as enabling the entire
team to work together on a project simultaneously through the Team Access feature.

As AI technology continues to advance, do you foresee any potential ethical or creative dilemmas that filmmakers may face?

We are aware of the problem with the strikes of writers and actors. This has become a
problem, we hope it’ll be resolved as soon as possible. People are facing issues such as job
loss and being replaced by AI. We recognize this problem and in no way exacerbate it. We
deeply understand the problem and support those who have been affected by it to some
degree. We value creative work and do not hinder anyone’s job. All that Filmustage does is
reduce manual labor and efficiently organize all processes. We help to significantly accelerate
production. For example, we can now assist in compiling synopses for all script scenes in one
click and manage risks using a powerful AI Script Analysis tool.

The main message we would like to convey is that Filmustage doesn’t replace the human
element in pre-production, nor does it interfere with the creative process. We simply
supplement and enhance a filmmaker’s qualities and skills, providing a technological,
convenient, and modern toolkit for all their needs.

How do you see AI technology shaping the future of the film industry beyond pre-production? Are there other areas where AI could have a significant impact?

Neural networks provide opportunities to create and share art with a larger audience. Some AI
helps synchronize lip movements, translate video content into all world languages, and quickly
generate text summaries of lengthy videos to save time. Now, everyone has the opportunity to
overcome international and language barriers. AI has accelerated the content production
industry and enhanced opportunities for smaller, indie studios, and bloggers. Our advice is –

don’t panic; things will be better than you anticipate. Current issues will be regulated, and AI in
cinema will become a remarkable tool for industry professionals and veterans, helping them
save time and money. All that’s needed is to learn this new toolkit and understand its value.

In your opinion, what are some of the key skills or qualities that filmmakers should focus on developing in this digital age to stay relevant and succeed in the industry?

In today’s world, filmmakers should understand and keep abreast of new technologies in
cinema, and learn to use them to their advantage in their work, including as a source of
inspiration, motivation, and fresh ideas. The worst position is to be closed to new technologies,
including being a hater of neural networks without understanding their characteristics and
capabilities. No one disputes that a particular AI, such as one designed to replace real actors
with digital graphic models, could largely harm the industry, impacting professional actors’
feelings. However, another AI, like ours, which has been trained since 2018 to recognize
elements in scripts and categorize them, is only aimed at accelerating processes. It’s designed
to streamline the script breakdown process and help Assistant Directors, Line Producers,
Directors of Photography, and VFX specialists save time and skip manual work. Thus,
nobody’s hurt and everyone’s happy.

About the Author

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools. When he's not researching and writing, Shauli enjoys spending time with his wife and five kids, playing basketball, and watching funny movies.

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