Interview With Ety Richman - CEO at Kaymera Technologies

Updated on: September 11, 2024
Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks
Updated on: September 11, 2024

In a recent Q&A with SafetyDetectives, Ety Richman, CEO of Kaymera Technologies, delved into the cutting-edge mobile security solutions her company is pioneering. Kaymera, known for its advanced mobile threat protection, addresses the growing need for comprehensive mobile security in a world where most sensitive data is now handled on mobile devices. With its unique approach to balancing usability and military-grade security, it’s setting a new standard for protecting both personal and corporate data from evolving cyber threats.

One of the standout aspects of Kaymera’s approach is its ability to merge security and convenience without the need for multiple devices. Unlike traditional solutions that require users to carry separate personal and secured phones, this system allows users to have a single, fully secured device that also serves personal needs. This level of flexibility, combined with advanced threat detection capabilities and a robust, core-level security system, makes Kaymera a leading choice for businesses seeking to secure their mobile infrastructure.

How does Kaymera’s approach to mobile security differ from other solutions available in the market?

Kaymera is different in many aspects, from the unique sensors for detecting threats to the flexibility our configuration provides between usability and security, and of course, our special feature for managing applications and chameleon mode (additional user on the phone to disguise the secured user). But if I need to point out the one thing that makes us the best choice for many of our customers, it is the fact that we eliminate the need to carry two devices—the personal device and the secured one. Our approach is that there is no secure communication, even if it is encrypted end-to-end if it is not on a secured device (at the core level). Even carrying two devices lowers the security level because spyware on the personal phone can expose the user’s location and become the eyes and ears for whatever is going on in the room. Our challenge was to create a device that is military-grade secured, yet enables the user to use it as their personal phone with all the usability they need, including installing all the applications from the Play Store. We succeeded in that mission, and there is no other competitor who has managed to do it efficiently like Kaymera. Our best practice configuration policy provides 95% security with 95% usability, but with a few simple steps, we can change it dynamically to become 100% secured and 50% usability and vice versa—100% usability and 50% security.

What are the biggest security challenges organizations face today when it comes to mobile devices?

While in the past, most of the work was done in offices, employees were working on computers, and most of the sensitive data was kept on PCs with Anti-Viruses behind Firewalls and VPNs. These days, 80% of the work has switched to mobile devices, and the communication is OTA. Moreover, while on PC, the mic, camera, and other sensors were external hardware which could be disconnected, in mobile devices, those sensors are embedded and controlled by the OS.

Anti-Virus applications exist for mobile, as well as VPNs, but they are all applications installed on a device and not on the core level. So once sophisticated hackers manage to get to the core level, they could kill whatever process the Anti-Virus is running and expose the device to all the threats.

At Kaymera, we noticed that trend back in 2013, and with a group of experienced hacking engineers from NSO, we developed the OS that will keep the device secured from the core level. We address all types of threats, such as spyware, malware, man-in-the-middle attacks, ransomware, data leaks (Wi-Fi/USB/Bluetooth), and more.

What roles do AI and machine learning play in enhancing Kaymera’s threat detection capabilities?

We are in the process of integrating our AI and machine learning as a part of the K2 Unseen, Next Generation of Kaymera for all Android OS. As to current use, Kaymera devices are already using this platform as well as our mother company, TAM-C Solutions, as a part of their Risk Management patented platform.

How does Kaymera handle the challenge of securing both company-issued and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) mobile devices?

As mentioned above, with Kaymera, the personal phone and the secured phone are the same device. The user carries only one device, which is both secure and usable. The downside is that the devices are limited to the ones Kaymera supports, which are Google Pixel devices. So if the user is an iPhone fan, they will only be able to install our communication application, which is good for secured communications but not for securing the device itself.

What advice would you give to companies just starting to implement mobile security strategies?

Kaymera has two major offerings:

  1. Devices only: The customer buys the OS licenses from Kaymera. We install our OS on the Pixel device (either they buy from us or by themselves), and we add the device to our multi-tenant system. This option is based on our best practice configuration policy, and changes are limited.
  2. Management system + Devices: The customer can buy the whole cloud-based system (VPC) and get an admin user to the system so they can monitor and manage the devices. The device licenses are the same as in option 1, but this time, the devices will be added to the dedicated system.
About the Author
Shauli Zacks
Updated on: September 11, 2024

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools. When he's not researching and writing, Shauli enjoys spending time with his wife and five kids, playing basketball, and watching funny movies.

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Aaron Richman
Aaron Richman
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024
Thank you for your time on this interview. We, at TAM-C Solutions, are excited about the acquisition of Kaymera Technologies.