Charities Supporting Victims of the Israel-Hamas Crisis

Tom Read
Tom Read Writer
Tom Read Tom Read Writer

Charities Supporting Victims of the Israel-Hamas CrisisOn October 7, 2023, Hamas militants launched a coordinated terror attack on Israel, with thousands of Israeli civilians killed, injured, or taken hostage. As the conflict has escalated between Israel and Hamas, thousands of Palestinians have also been caught in the crossfire.

Innocent men, women, and children are in desperate need of humanitarian aid. The best way to support victims of the Israel-Hamas crisis is through financially supporting the charities and organizations who are on the ground and delivering aid.

To help, I’ve listed some of the most reputable local and international organizations that lead emergency relief efforts in the region. Donating to trusted organizations ensures that your contribution reaches those who need it most.

The Impact of the Hamas Attack and Israel’s Response

On October 7, 2023, Hamas fired thousands of rockets from Gaza into Israeli towns before breaching the fortified Israel-Gaza border and sending gunmen deep into southern Israel.

Hamas seems to have purposefully targeted civilians — including women and children — in a terror attack that was unprecedented in its tactics, scale, and brutality. According to Israeli authorities, more than 1,400 Israelis lost their lives, including 260 civilians who attended a music festival near the Gaza border. At least 3,400 Israelis are injured and hundreds have been abducted and taken into Gaza.

In response, Israel declared war on Hamas on October 8, and by October 9 had regained control of the towns Hamas assaulted. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) told civilians in Gaza to evacuate residential areas ahead of a heavy bombardment of Hamas and Islamic Jihadist positions between October 7 and 12. On October 12, the IDF ordered roughly 1 million people in northern Gaza to evacuate and move south, signaling a major Israeli ground offensive.

Following these warnings, Palestinians have been largely unable to leave Gaza. Egypt’s border with Palestine remains closed to most Palestinian refugees. The IDF also claims that Hamas has prevented Palestinians from evacuating. Many others have refused to leave for fear of displacement from their homes.

As of October 19, Palestinian officials say at least 3,785 Palestinians have died. According to the UN, an estimated 1 million have been displaced.

Israel has closed its crossings with Palestine until Hamas releases Israeli hostages, but has said that aid can enter from Egypt’s Rafah Crossing. With the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsening, aid was unable to cross the border until the US, UN, Egypt, and Israel could reach an agreement. On October 21, the first critical supplies entered Gaza, with another delivery of aid on October 22.

Local Aid Organizations

1. Barzilai Medical Center


Location: Israel

Type of Aid Provided: Medical

The Barzilai Medical Center is a key frontline hospital in Ashkelon, a southern Israeli city that suffered heavily during the initial attacks by Hamas in October 2023. It treats both wounded soldiers and civilians, and is experiencing unprecedented demand.

The hospital is seeking donations to help fund the expansion of its healthcare services and accommodate the growing number of patients.

2. IsraAID


Location: Israel

Type of Aid Provided: Shelter, Education and Support for Evacuated Children, Psychosocial

A coalition that brings together numerous Israeli organizations, IsraAID focuses on disaster relief and international development efforts. It was founded in 2001 and has since grown to become the largest humanitarian aid organization in the country.

With its local partners, IsraAID coordinates humanitarian activities across several sectors. These include housing evacuees from the Gaza border, distributing resilience kits, running child-friendly spaces for affected children and their families, and training mental health specialists on emergency-specific psychosocial support for victims. IsraAID has set up the IsraAID Emergency Fund to help these efforts.

3. Israel Democracy HQ


Location: Israel

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Shelter, Transport, Psychosocial

Israel Democracy HQ (IDH) is an Israeli organization working primarily to ensure that the Israeli government follows the principles of liberal democracy upon which it was founded. It’s best known for supporting and coordinating some of the anti-government protests that spread across Israel in 2023, the largest in the history of the country.

With its partners, IDH is mobilizing support for Israeli victims of the attacks and ensuing conflict. Among other initiatives, the organization is helping with emergency aid, psychosocial support, and the relocation of displaced families from southern Israel. Funds can be donated to Israel-Democracy HQ via the beactive crowdfunding platform.

4. Israel Trauma Coalition


Location: Israel

Type of Aid Provided: Psychosocial

Created in 2001 by the UJA Federation of New York, the Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC) coordinates emergency preparedness and response work across 22 countries, through the work of 40 associated organizations.

The ITC has 12 resilience centers across Israel, including the Gaza envelope. The funds donated to ITC go toward these centers, which provide resilience training, emergency psychosocial support, and long-term mental health rehabilitation. During the Israel-Hamas war, such services may be crucial for the continued well-being of the thousands of Israeli victims.

5. Palestine Children’s Relief Fund


Location: West Bank

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Medical, Repairing Infrastructure, Psychosocial

Located in the West Bank, the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) was founded by American humanitarians in 1991. Each year, it provides free health care to thousands of Palestinian children who would otherwise go without treatment.

In light of the conflict in Gaza, the PCRF has established a direct Gaza Relief Fund. Its proceeds will go toward supplying children and families in the Gaza Strip with urgent medical supplies and assistance, as well as providing them with basic necessities such as shelter, water, and food.

6. The Jewish Agency for Israel


Location: Israel

Type of Aid Provided: Financial, Psychosocial

The Jewish Agency for Israel is one of the oldest Israeli NGOs. It was founded in 1929, nearly 20 years before the State of Israel was founded. Its main focus is on providing the global framework for Aliyah, i.e. the relocation of Jewish people to Israel.

In light of the Israel-Hamas war, the Jewish Agency mobilized its Fund for Victims of Terror to help distribute financial aid to Israelis impacted by the Hamas attacks. It has already dispensed hundreds of grants to date, with many more on the way.

7. United Hatzalah


Location: Jerusalem

Type of Aid Provided: Medical

United Hatzalah is a community-based emergency medical services (EMS) provider. It relies on the work of volunteers to realize its goal of providing the fastest possible response to medical emergencies in Israel. Its average response time is 3 minutes or less.

The organization currently operates a network of over 6,500 medics, many of whom have been deployed to provide assistance on the frontlines of the Israel-Hamas war. Those willing to help United Hatzalah continue its efforts can donate equipment or cash through the website. The organization has also created a donation page dedicated to helping treat people injured in southern Israel.

International Aid Organizations

8. ActionAid USA


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Shelter, Hygiene, Clothing, Medical, Psychosocial, Financial

ActionAid is an international network of humanitarian organizations advocating for poverty eradication, social justice, and gender equality.

ActionAid USA – the organization’s US branch – is working with partners in Gaza and the West Bank to deliver much-needed supplies of fuel, water, food, and other supplies to those in need. It also provides hundreds of affected families with cash assistance. All of these efforts are made possible through donations.

9. Alliance for Middle East Peace


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Advocacy, Supporting NGOs

This Washington-based network of Israeli and Palestinian peace advocates is the largest organization of its kind. The Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) is driven by a vision of Palestinians and Israelis living side-by-side in peace and prosperity.

During the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, ALLMEP has started a campaign designed to help member NGOs gather the emergency funding and essential aid they need to support victims. The organization also connects member NGOs with donors and helps local organizations in the region obtain funding. You can donate to ALLMEP via its site.

10. American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center In Jerusalem


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Medical, Psychosocial

The American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem exists primarily to fund and support the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. It aims to ensure that the facility remains at the forefront of medical innovation in Israel.

The committee supports the medical center through donations. So far, the aid has allowed the center to treat dozens of patients for physical and mental maladies that have resulted from the conflict. More funds are needed to purchase additional equipment and increase the capacity of the medical center’s intensive-care unit.

11. American Friends of Magen David Adom


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Medical

Magen David Adom (MDA) is Israel’s official representative to the International Red Cross. American Friends of Magen David Adom helps coordinate donors from the United States and ensures that their funds reach the aid society in Israel.

The Israel-Hamas war has forced MDA to activate all 1,400 of its ambulances and other vehicles, mobilizing the entirety of its available vehicles, equipment, staff, and volunteer force. MDA staff are on the frontlines, providing emergency medical aid to those who’ve sustained injuries during the crisis. In order to get more ambulances out to the field and keep a steady supply of emergency supplies, MDA relies on donations.

12. American Friends of Soroka Medical Center


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Medical

The Soroka Medical Center is the only major hospital in the Negev region of southern Israel, and American Friends of Soroka Medical Center is a US-based nonprofit that provides it with financial support.

Following the Hamas attacks on southern Israel, the Soroka Medical Center became overwhelmed with patients in need of urgent care. To acquire medical equipment and continue to provide critical emergency care close to the crisis zone, the Soroka Medical Center is asking for support in the form of donations.

13. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Psychosocial, Financial, Repairing Infrastructure

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) was established over 100 years ago. It is now the leading Jewish humanitarian organization and its aid reaches vulnerable Jews all over the world.

In response to the current crisis, JDC is seeking donations to finance its efforts on the ground in Israel. The organization is involved in providing mental health care to the impacted youth, training frontline workers to meet the needs of the most vulnerable victims, and financially supporting southern Israeli communities and businesses in this time of crisis.

14. Anera


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Medical, Psychosocial, Shelter, Hygiene, Clothing, Bedding

Anera was created in 1968 and is one of the oldest relief organizations in the region. Its focus is on helping refugees affected by conflict in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan return to normal life. It has no political or religious affiliation.

The organization has launched a relief fund in response to the conflict in Gaza. Proceeds will be used to support refugees with food, water, hygiene kits, and medical aid.

15. Doctors Without Borders


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Water, Medical, Psychosocial

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), known as Doctors Without Borders in the English-speaking world, deploys experienced medical staff, including surgeons, and nurses, to crisis-affected areas.

The international humanitarian organization is currently supporting local health authorities in Palestine. It is also delivering humanitarian aid and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip whenever there is safe access to the region. Anybody willing to help them in this effort can donate funds via the MSF website.

16. Hadassah


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Medical, Psychosocial

Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, was established in 1912 and works to raise funds for building and running hospitals in Israel. Both Israelis and Palestinians who have been impacted by the current conflict can access healthcare through Hadassah’s two Jerusalem hospitals.

The organization is currently raising funds to enable its medical centers to purchase essential medical supplies and equipment and continue providing aid to all who need it.

17. International Committee of the Red Cross


Location: Switzerland

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Medical, Psychosocial, Reuniting Families

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was established in 1863 and is one of the oldest humanitarian organizations operating today. It provides protection and assistance to the victims of armed conflict and violent crises all around the world.

The ICRC runs programs aimed at improving access to water and electricity, supporting hospitals with teams and resources, and reuniting families throughout Israel and the occupied territories. It has had a presence in the region since 1967.

In light of the recent Israel-Hamas war, the ICRC has set up a fund that allows individuals to donate and directly support the Red Cross’s activities in the affected areas.

18. International Medical Corps


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Hygiene, Medical, Psychosocial

The International Medical Corps (IMC) is a leading first responder organization that has been operating on an international level since 1984. It works not only to provide immediate direct relief, but also to help the affected areas recover and build local healthcare systems.

The organization established an operational presence in Gaza in 2008, where it has coordinated emergency preparedness projects and expanded access to healthcare in the region. It also supports partners in Israel who respond to disasters, such as the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).

IMC relies on donations to provide essential supplies and medical equipment to health facilities and Gazans in need.

19. International Rescue Committee


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Water, Medical, Psychosocial, Child and Women’s Protection

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) was created to help those affected by humanitarian crises survive by providing “direct assistance for people as they try to feed their families and find a safe place to live.” The charity also works “to improve livelihood opportunities for long-term economic wellbeing.” It currently operates in 28 US cities and over 50 countries around the world.

The IRC has people on the ground in Gaza, assessing the humanitarian situation to ensure that it’s able to offer the best possible support. Funds donated through the organization’s Gaza Crisis donation page will go towards helping humanitarian relief efforts in the Gaza Strip.

20. Islamic Relief USA


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Bedding, Hygiene, Medical, Psychosocial

Established in California in 1993, Islamic Relief USA works both in the US and internationally to provide emergency relief and development aid in areas struck by crisis and poverty. It’s been active in the Middle East for more than 20 years.

Islamic Relief’s staff and partners are currently on the ground in Gaza, providing families with medical supplies, food, water, and other essentials. Donations go towards funding these aid packages.

21. Jewish Federations of North America


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Medical, Financial, Shelter, Psychosocial, Repairing Infrastructure

The Jewish Federations of North America represents nearly 400 independent Jewish communities and is dedicated to supporting Jews globally in all manner of social service issues. It’s also active in the area of humanitarian crisis relief, as well as providing a financial safety net to those in need.

Jewish Federations are now working to provide aid and psychosocial support to victims of the Hamas attacks, as well as to rebuild damaged infrastructure. All donations sourced from its 2023 Israel Emergency Campaign go directly to impacted communities in Israel.

22. Jewish National Fund-USA


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Education, Psychosocial, Repairing Infrastructure

The Jewish National Fund-USA (JNF) is a non-profit organization with over 100 years of history.

As part of its Israel Resilience campaign, which kicked off after the 2023 conflict began, the JNF has provided evacuees from affected areas with essential supplies and shelter. This and numerous other ongoing projects are aimed at creating a sense of hope for the future to keep the spirits of those in the conflict area strong.

You can donate to these initiatives via the organization’s website.

23. Medical Aid for Palestinians


Location: United Kingdom

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Medical, Hygiene, Bedding

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) was established in London by Dr. Swee Chai Ang, shortly after the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1982. The organization provides immediate medical assistance to Palestinians, while also helping Palestinian communities develop locally-led healthcare services.

MAP currently has a team on the ground in Gaza. It is responding to the humanitarian crisis by helping to distribute essential medications and other healthcare supplies to hospitals in the area. With casualties expected to continue to rise, MAP has launched an Emergency Appeal to fund its efforts in the bombarded territory.

24. Project HOPE


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Medical, Psychosocial, Hygiene, Bedding

Based in Washington, DC, Project HOPE has been focused on providing healthcare in disadvantaged places affected by devastating crises around the world for more than 60 years.

The organization’s emergency response to the Israel-Hamas conflict includes deploying medical staff and essential supplies to both Israel and Gaza alongside local authorities and UN agencies. Donations collected through the organization’s Emergency Alert page will go towards supporting medical teams and delivering essential supplies.

25. UN Crisis Relief


Location: New York, Istanbul

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Shelter

UN Crisis Relief aggregates financial aid from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Humanitarian Funds to expedite crisis relief efforts whenever disasters strike. These funds support the provision of essential supplies, as well as deliver assistance to areas that are hardest to reach.

The Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund collects donations to mitigate the dramatic consequences of the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. Funds donated to the cause will be directly delivered into the area, providing much-needed food, water, shelter, and other supplies to the Palestinians in need.



Location: USA

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Hygiene, Shelter, Clothing, Blankets, Financial, Medical, Psychosocial

Operating across over 190 countries, UNICEF is the United Nations agency established to help protect children in developing countries and crisis-stricken areas by providing them with humanitarian aid.

UNICEF’s representatives are on the ground in Gaza delivering food and medical supplies to the victims of the Israel-Hamas war. According to the organization, every donation can help save the lives of thousands of affected children.

27. Save the Children


Location: USA

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Hygiene, Medical, Psychosocial, Household Items, Fuel, Repairing Infrastructure, Child Protection

Launched in 1919, the Save the Children Fund was established to raise money to support children in a Europe devastated by World War I. Today, the organization works to provide disadvantaged children around the world with the resources needed to give them a better start in life.

As one of the largest NGOs working in the occupied Palestinian territories, Save the Children relies on donations to continue implementing its child protection and educational programs, as well as providing emergency aid in the Gaza Strip.

28. The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Inc.


Location: USA

Type of Aid Provided: Funding for NGOs

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington was established to promote Judaism and support Jewish communities in the US, Israel, and around the world. It does this through funding and various other programs.

At the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the federation set up its Israel Crisis Relief Fund and has mobilized efforts to support Israeli victims. All funds donated go towards supporting organizations that focus on expanding access to essential medical supplies, as well as providing cash, psychosocial support, and shelter to displaced families.

29. The New Israel Fund


Location: United States

Type of Aid Provided: Funding for NGOs, Psychosocial

Since its founding in 1973, the New Israel Fund (NIF) has provided over $300 million to 900 organizations in Israel. Its goal is to help Israel become a society that guarantees liberal democracy, freedom of speech, and equal rights to all of its inhabitants.

NIF is actively involved in supporting the victims of the Israel-Hamas war by providing emergency support to organizations and communities working on the frontlines. It’s raising money to help provide trauma counseling and care for the most vulnerable, as well as to aid the organization’s efforts to combat hate speech, violence, and extremism in Israeli cities with Jewish and Arab residents.

30. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency


Location: Jordan

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water, Shelter, Bedding, Medical

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was created in response to the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and began its operations in May 1950. It works primarily in the area of humanitarian aid and human development services, which includes armed conflict emergency response.

The UNRWA is committed to helping the hundreds of thousands of refugees in Gaza from areas affected by the conflict. It provides them with food, water, shelter, and emergency medical aid. With the recent escalation of needs, the UNRWA is quickly depleting its resources and is urgently requesting donations.

31. World Food Programme


Location: Italy

Type of Aid Provided: Food, Water

The World Food Programme (WFP), an agency of the UN, provides food assistance to disadvantaged and crisis-stricken regions around the world.

The organization is providing nutritional assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip whose ability to access food has been affected by the Israel-Hamas conflict. You can fund its efforts through the WFP’s Palestine emergency appeal page.

How to Protect Your Children from Violent Images

Images of the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip are being broadcast online. Children and teenagers could be exposed to violent images through social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. While on-screen trauma may not affect children physically, it can leave a lasting mark on their developing psyche.

Israeli schools even urged parents to remove these apps from their children’s smartphones to protect them from violent images and extremist messages. However, kids are resourceful and can find workarounds to access their favorite platforms.

Most social media apps have parental control options you can enable to have more agency over what your kids can access.

How to Enable Social Media Controls and Monitor Content


  • Enable Restricted Mode to limit inappropriate content by going to Profile → Menu → Settings and privacy → Content preferences → Restricted Mode
  • Set up family pairing to monitor your child’s account
  • Filter video keywords by navigating to Profile → Settings and Privacy → Content Preferences


  • Establish content controls by going to Profile → Settings → Family Center → Invite Your Teen
  • Customize their available content by going to Settings → Additional Services → Lifestyle and Interests → Customize


  • Configure sensitive content controls by navigating to Settings and Privacy → Suggested Content → Sensitive Content → Continue → Less


  • Enable Restricted Mode on every device or browser your child uses to watch YouTube by going to Account → Restricted Mode.

Additional Ways to Limit Exposure to Violence Online

  • Discuss harmful content with children and encourage them to stick to only viewing the content they choose to view, such as content published by the creators they follow
  • Ask children to avoid live video streams and tabs like “For You” on TikTok, “Discover” on Snapchat, or “Explore” on Instagram, as this is where they might come across most of the uncensored, violent content
  • Download parental control apps like Qustodio, Norton Family Premier, or Net Nanny, which can help set restrictions on the websites a device can access, and how long it can be used each day

The Bottom Line

As the war between Israel and Hamas looks set to escalate, we cannot sit idly by and watch it unfold. Hundreds of volunteers from dozens of charitable organizations are on the ground providing essential emergency aid to victims and refugees. Their help largely depends on donations from people like you. Sparing just a few dollars can have a tangible, positive impact on the lives of people who have lost everything through no fault of their own.

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About the Author

About the Author

Tom has covered numerous cybersecurity topics whilst working as a writer. Based in the United Kingdom, Tom enjoys cooking and going on country walks in his free time.

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