Interview with Begench Kuziniyev, CEO of BKNY Technology

Shauli Zacks Shauli Zacks

SafetyDetectives spoke with Begench Kuziniyev, CEO of BKNY Technology, about what motivated him to found his own company, an app his team developed to secure and encrypt any file, and tips for improving UI/UX in mobile apps. 

Can you tell me about your background and your current roles at BKNY Technology?

I’ve been gifted with leadership skills that have helped me a lot since I was 18. Thanks to this skill, I’ve always been surrounded with people from different backgrounds and could identify and solve their dilemmas.

Thus, before I started creating applications, I owned a music video/audio recording company where I did the directing and scriptwriting for many years and then I was fascinated by the idea of solving problems through technology.

Currently, as a CEO at BKNY Technology, I continue to generate ideas for that same purpose. Our goal is to realize the ideas in applicable technology that is safe and easy to use.

What are BKNY Technology’s flagship services?

A major focus of ours is to develop our own projects and create applications and websites via various technologies based on the end user’s needs.

At the same time, we know that there are many people like us who have unique ideas but do not know how and where to start.
We have years of experience in helping others in their journey both in consulting and contributing to their work in creating their own technology.

I understand that your team developed an app called SafeSecret that can secure and encrypt any file – can you explain more about this app, its benefits, and how it can help secure the file?

The main goal of SafeSecret is to secure files. It is multifunctional and serves as a File manager and Secures files when saving or sharing via encrypted QR codes or links with a pin-code. It also has extra security options, like setting time limits for disabling sent files after the file was viewed and even an option for auto-deletion, including the server and the app.

Files are encrypted via AES 256 technology which is by far the most reliable encryption out there so far and used by big companies.
We also ensure extra layers of security at the front-end side and do not save QR codes or link pin codes on the server, which means no one except the user knows it.

Users also get notified about QR code scanned time, device type, and location, which lets you make sure the right person got it.
SafeSecret is available for iOS and Android OS.

How do you ensure that the Android and iOS apps you develop are secure from cyber threats, and what steps do you take to prevent hacking attempts?

Our apps are developed and designed using secure coding practices and known vulnerabilities. As well as code signs with custom ProGuard rules for preventing any hacking attempts. Communications between the server and the app are end-to-end encrypted with the help of HTTP and SSL protocols. Also, sensitive user data is end-to-end encrypted with algorithms and it may be securely stored on their device depending on the data.

Authentication mechanisms like multi-factor authentication and password complexity rules are applied as well.
To identify and fix vulnerabilities and to keep the app updated with the latest security options regular security audits are done.

What role do you think web developers should play in protecting the privacy of website users, and what measures do you take to protect user data?

Developers play a crucial role in protecting user data on websites and apps because there are so many ways to get into the application besides just an app lock or hidden files. That is why they must ensure the architecture and the technology are built correctly. But just secure development isn’t enough. It is important to keep the technology up-to-date and ensure that while using third parties, the sensitive data of users is not shared.

How do you ensure that the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the websites and apps you develop are intuitive and user-friendly?

Having done extensive research, we work on a user-friendly design that is intuitive for all. This provides clear instructions and sticks to common UI elements to reduce the learning curve. We always have FAQs and make sure users can easily ask us questions.

We focus on color, textures, and contrasts and on using correct typography to create hierarchy and clarity to help increase scanability, legibility, readability, and visibility to comfort all users, including the disabled.

We make our apps available in many languages to allow users to make their choice of language.

We provide alerts and messages so that the user never gets frustrated not knowing what is happening.

Forms have automated defaults such as auto-capitalization, autofills name, and credit card info that help eliminate extra steps to allow things to be done faster and easier.

The last stage is testing on different systems and devices to get feedback.

About the Author

About the Author

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools. When he's not researching and writing, Shauli enjoys spending time with his wife and five kids, playing basketball, and watching funny movies.

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